How Do I Find Sense it London?
Sense It London currently shares a space with Saint Espresso and Saint Coffee Roasters, and is located at the following address:
Here East ,13 East Bay Lane , Hackney Wick, E20 3BS (map)
We are conveniently located 5 minutes walk from Hackney Wick Overground station. You can also get to us easily from Stratford Rail & Tube station. On weekdays, there is a free shuttle from Stratford to us. More info here. On weekends, you can take the 388 from Stratford and jump off at 'The Copper Box' and we are about four minutes walk from that stop. When you arrive, go inside the Saint Espresso entrance. we are located to the right, just through the roastery. Contact 07581502659, if you need any further information.
How Do I Create A SCA Learner Account?
Visit the SCA Education page at https://education.sca.coffee/
Select the Learner tab on the top right of the page, and click on 'learner portal login'
Choose the region.
Select 'Become a Learner' and click 'Create A User Account'.
Follow the steps to create a username and password, as connected to your email
Validate the email address using the activation code automatically sent.
Enter all requested information in the next form.
Once complete, you will be redirected to the SCA Course Calendar.
Above the Calender you will see an option to click profile. Click Profile and note your Learner number.